I was doing a little shopping yesterday afternoon and two women "from out of town" approached me to ask if I knew of some great restaurants in the area ... while I spoke to one woman (giving her directions), the other woman interrupted her and asked how far along I was, I told her and her response was, "AHHH!" as she promptly began to rub my stomach .
Touching pregnant women's bellies has always been somewhat of a taboo subject, but it seems like people just can't help themselves! But there's just nothing okay in my opinion about some random person rubbing my stomach. My family, close friends and husband of course would be fine but a total stranger, no way. Perhaps the next time, I won't be so stunned ... so shocked that I won't be able to respond ... I mean my head was spinning ... "is she actually rubbing my stomach ... this person that I met on the street 3 minutes ago?" Maybe the next time ... hopefully there won't be a next time but if there is, I'll smack their hand away ... or maybe "return the favor" and rub their stomach ... or at least that's my fantasy ...

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