So, as usual, I'm always thinking about any and everything cloth diaper ... today's concern ... stinky diaper pails ... I've heard that you can use a bit of baking soda or tea trea oil to get rid of the stinkies ... diaper dust perhaps ... but does it go in the actual diaper pail ... or the wetbag? Huhm ... I've asked that question of presently cloth diapering moms and I've actually gotten varying responses ...
BUT ... I did come across this solution in my pursuit for an answer ...
Stinky Diaper Pail (
Combine 1 cup baking soda, 5 drops tea tree oil, and enough water to make a thick paste. Press into ice cube trays (or muffin tins - harder to get out later) and set out to dry for 24-28 hours/ Store cubes in ziplock bag. Throw crumbly cube into bottom of diaper pail, then add liner. Replace when stink returns.
Huhm ... I'm definitely gonna try this one ...
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
I have been cding my son for 13 months and I really haven't had any pail stink issues. I use citrus disks, they don't cost much and I got them at some cding store. You can always try something like that if you find you are noticing a smell. I only started using them b/c they were a gift with purchase.
ReplyDeleteGood luck. I love cloth diapers :)
Thanks! I don't know why I'm so consistently concerned about diaper pail stink and diaper staining ... I'm already purchasing 2 "things" of bac-out "just in case" there's any staining ... anyway, thanks!